Thou Shalt Not Mac OS

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Thou shalt not use unnecessary words. Thou shalt not use abbreviations. Thou shalt use the code's primary human language. Thou shalt not make up words. Thou shalt not include type. Thou shalt only use non-obvious words if the meaning is obvious. Thou shalt prefer active voice. Thou shalt use consistent syntax. Thou shalt break these rules if. Thou shalt not boot from an external drive unless it is plugged into a USB 3 port on the system itself. I had my drive plugged into a powered USB 3 hub. Any restart just fell back to the internal disk. 'Aha, I see thou wouldst boast of this deed,' quoth Tuachall. 'In the first place I deem it no cause to boast for slaying one champion,' said Cuchulain; 'thou shalt not boast of it this time, for thou shalt fall by my hand.' 'Off with thee for thine arms, then, for 'tis not as a warrior thou art come.'

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7b. (The Taking Of Arms By Cuchulain And) The Slaying Of The Three Sons Of Necht Scenè Is Now Told HereAided tri Mac Nechta Sceni inso sís

'The little lad performed a third deed in the following year,' said Fiachu son of Firaba.' What deed performed he?' asked Ailill.

Doringni in mac bec in tres gním isin bliadain ar cind dorís, ar Fiachu mac Firaba. Ga gním doringni, bar Ailill.

'Cathba the druid was with his son, namely Conchobar son of Ness, imparting learning to his pupils in the north-east of Emain, and eight eager pupils in the class of druidic cunning were with him. That is the number that Cathba instructed. One of them questioned his teacher, what fortune and presage might there be for the day they were in, whether it was good or whether it was ill. Then spake Cathba: 'The little boy that takes arms-- this day shall be splendid and renowned for deeds of arms above the youths of Erin land the tales of his high deeds shall be told forever, but he shall be short-lived and fleeting.'

Cathbad drúi búi oc tabairt da daltaib fri hEmain anairtúaith, & ocht n-dalta do aes in dána druidechta na farrad. Iarfacht dia aiti, cia so sén & solud búi for in ló i m-bátar, in ba maith fá in ba saich. And atbert Cathbad, mac bec con gebad gasced bad án & ra bad irdairc, ra bad duthain & dimbúan.

Cuchulain overheard what he said, though far off at his play-feats south-west of Emain; and he threw away all his play-things and hastened to Conchobar's sleep-room to ask for arms. 'All good attend thee, O king of the Fene!' cried the little lad. 'This greeting is the speech of one soliciting something of some one. What wouldst thou, lad?' said Conchobar. 'To take arms,' the lad made answer. 'Who hath advised thee, little boy?' asked Conchobar. 'Cathba the druid,' said the lad. 'He would not deceive thee, little boy,' said Conchobar.

Ra chúala-som aní sin & sé fria chlessaib chluchi fri hEmain aniardes, & focheird a adbena ániusa uli úad & dochuaid i cotultech Conchobair. Cach maith duit a rí fene, bar in mac bec. Aithesc dana cungeda neich o neoch in t-athesc sain. Cid connaige a meic bic, ar Conchobar. Airm do gabail, ar in mac bec. Cia dot-recoisc a meic bic, bar, Conchobar. Cathbad drúi, ar in mac bec. Car mechanic simulator 2015 gold edition mac os. Nit merad-su (.i. nít mairnfed) sain a meic bic, ar Conchobar.

Conchobar gave him two spears and a sword and a shield. The little boy shook and brandished the arms in the middle of the house so that he made small pieces and fragments of them. Conchobar gave him two other spears and a shield and a sword. He shook and brandished, flourished and poised them, so that he shivered them into small pieces and fragments. There where were the fourteen a suits of arms which Conchobar had in Emain, in reserve in case of breaking of weapons or for equipping the youths and the boys-- to the end that whatever boy assumed arms, it might be Conchobar that gave him the equipment of battle, and the victory of cunning would be his thenceforward-- even so, this little boy made splinters and fragments of them all.

Tobert Conchobar da sleig & claideb & scíath dó. Bocgais & bertnaigis in mac bec na harmu, (co n-derna) minbruan & minscomairt díb. Tuc Conchobar dá sleig aile dó & sciath & claideb. Bocais & bertnaigis, crothais & certaigis, co n-derna minbruan & minscomairt. Airm i m-batar na cethri airm déc batar ic Conchobur i n-Emain ic frithalim na maccaém & na maccraide, ciped mac díb no gabad gasced, co m-bad Conchobar doberad trelam fuaparta dó, buaid n-engnama leis assa aithle, cid trá doringni in mac bec sin minbruan & minscomairt dib uili.

'Truly these arms here are not good, O Conchobar my master,' the stripling cried. 'Herefrom cometh not what is worthy of me.' Conchobar gave him his own two spears and his shield and his sword. He shook and he brandished, he bent and he poised them so that tip touched butt, and he broke not the arms and they bore up against him, and he saluted the king whose arms they were. 'Truly, these arms are good,' said the little boy; 'they are suited to me. Hail to the king whose arms and equipment these are. Hail to the land whereout he is come!'

Ni maith ám and na airm se a mo phopa Conchobair, ar in mac bec. Ni thic mo dingbail-se di sodain. Tuc Conchobar a da sleig fodessin & a sciath & a chlaideb dó. Bocais & bertnaigis, crothais & certaigis, co n-arnic a fográin aice fri a n-irlaind, & ni ras-robrís na harmu, & ros fulgetar dó. Maithi na hairm se omm, bar in mac bec, is é so mo chomadas. Mochin in rí asa gasced & trelam so. Mochin tír asa tánic.

'Then Cathba the druid chanced to come into the tent, and what he said was, 'Hath he yonder taken arms?' Cathba asked. 'Aye, then, it must be,' Conchobar answered. 'Not by his mother's son would I wish them to be taken this day,' said Cathba. 'How so? Was it not thyself advised him?' Conchobar asked. 'Not I, in faith,' replied Cathba. 'What mean'st thou, bewitched elf-man?' cried Conchobar to Cuchulain. 'Is it a lie thou hast told us?' 'But be not wroth thereat, O my master Conchobar,' said the little boy. 'No lie have I told; for yet is it he that advised me, when he taught his other pupils this morning. For his pupil asked him what luck might lie in the day, and he said: The youth that took arms on this day would be illustrious and famous, except that he would be fleeting and short-lived.' 'That I avow to be true,' spake Cathba. 'Good indeed is the day, glorious and renowned shalt thou be, the one that taketh arms, yet passing and short lived!' 'Noble the gift! ' cried Cuchulain.' Little it recks me, though I should be but one day and one night in the world, if only the fame of me and of my deeds live after me!'

Sandsin tanic Cathbad drúi sin pupull & atbert: Airm cone-gab sút, ar Cathbad. Sed écin omm, bar Conchobar. Ni do mac do mathar bad áil dam a n-gabáil sind ló sa, ar Cathbad. Cid són, nach tussu darrecoisc, ar Conchobar. Nad me omm, bar Cathbad. Cid la a siriti síabairthi, ar Conchobar, in bréc dobertais immund. Na badat lond-su immorro ammo phopa Conchobair, ar in mac bec, dáig ar bith is esium dom-recuisc-se arái, ár iarfoacht a dalta dó, cia so sén bái for in ló, & atbert-som, mac bec no gébad gasced and, bad án & bad urdairc, baduthain & dimbuán immorro. Fír dam-sa ón, bar Cathbad, bat ánsu & bat urdairc, baduthain & dimbuán. Amra bríg can co ra bur acht oenlá & oenadaig ar bith, acht co marat m'airscéla & m'imthechta dimm esi. Zeus slot machine download. Maith a meic bic, airg i carpat, ar issed na cétna dait.

'Another day one of them asked of the druids for what that day would be propitious. 'The one that mounts a chariot to-day,' Cathba answered,' his name will be renowned over Erin for ever.'

'He mounted the chariot. He put his hands between the two poles of the chariot, and the first chariot he mounted withal he shook and tossed about him till he reduced it to splinters and fragments. He mounted the second chariot, so that he made small pieces and fragments of it in like manner. Further he made pieces of the third chariot. There where were the seventeen a chariots which Conchobar kept for the boy-troop and youths in Emain, the lad made small pieces and fragments of them and they did not withstand him. 'These chariots here are not good, O my master Conchobar,' said the little boy; 'my merit cometh not from them.'

Dothaet i carpat. Ocus in cetna carpat i tánic beus dana, bocais & bertnaigis imme, co n-derna minbruan & minscomairt de. Luid issin carpat tanaise, co n-derna minbruan & minscomairt de fon cumma cetna. Doringni minbruar don trescarpat beus. Airm i m-batar na sect carpait déc batar oc frithalim na maccraide & na maccaem ic Conchobur i n-Emain, doringni in mac bec minbruan & minscomairt díb uile, & ni ro fulngetar dó. Nit maithe and na carpait so a phopa Chonchobair, ar in mac bec. Ni thaet mo dingbail-se dib-so.

'Where is Ibar son of Riangabair?' asked Conchobar. 'Here, in sooth, am I,' Ibar answered.' Take with thee mine own two steeds for him yonder, and yoke my chariot.' Thereupon the charioteer took the horses and yoked the chariot. Then the little boy mounted the chariot. He shook the chariot about him, and it withstood him, and he broke it not. 'Truly this chariot is good,' cried the lad, 'and this chariot is suited to me.'

Cia airm ita Ibar mac Riangabra, ar Conchobar. Sund ém, ar Ibar. Geib lat mo da ech féin sút' & inill mo charpat. Gebid iarum in t-ara in n-echraid & indliss in carpat. Luid in mac bec sin carpat iarum. Bocais in carpat imme & ro fulngestar dó & ní ro briss. Maith in carpat sa omm, ar in mac bec, & iss ed and-so mo charpat comadas.

'Prithee, little boy,' said Ibar, 'come out of the chariot now and let the horses out on their pasture.' 'It is yet too soon, O Ibar,' the lad answered. 'Only let us go on a circuit of Emain to-day and thou shalt have a reward therefor, to-day being my first day of taking arms, to the end that it be a victory of cunning for me.'

Maith a meic bic, bar Ibar, léic na eocho ar a fergeilt ifechtsa. Romoch sin beus a Ibair, ar in mac bec. Tair round timchull na Emna indiu, indiu mo chetla-sa do gabail arm, co robúaid enhgnama dam.

'Thrice they made the circuit of Emain. 'Leave the horses now to their grazing, O little boy,' said Ibar. 'It is yet too soon, O Ibar,' the little lad answered; 'let us keep on, that the boys may give me a blessing to-day the first day of my taking arms.' They kept their course to the place where the boys were. 'Is it arms he yonder has taken?' each one asked. 'Of a truth, are they.' 'May it be for victory, for first wounding and triumph. But we deem it too soon for thee to take arms, because thou departest from us at the game-feats.' 'By no means will I leave ye, but for luck I took arms this day.'

Tancatar fothrí timchull na Emna. Léic na eocho ar férgeilt ifectsa a meic bic, ar Ibar. Romoch sin beus a Ibair, ar in mac bec. Tair round ar co m-bennachat in maccrad dam-sa, indiu mo chétla do gabail arm. Lotar rempu don magin i m-bátar in maccrad. Airm co n-gab sút, ar cách. Sed écin són. Rob do búaid & cétguine & choscur sin, acht ba romoch lind co n-gabais armu, fobíth do deligthi ruind oc na clessaib cluchi. Ni scér-sa frib-si etir, acht do seon co n-gabsa armu indiu.

'Now, little boy, leave the horses to their grazing,' said Ibar. 'It is still too soon for that, O Ibar,' the lad answered. 'And this great road winding by us, what way leads it?' the lad asked.' What is that to thee?' Ibar answered. 'But thou art a pleasant wight, I bow, little lad,' quoth Ibar. 'I wish, fellow, to inquire about the high-road of the province, what stretch it goes?' 'To Ath na Foraire ('the Ford of Watching') in Sliab Fuait it goes,' Ibar answered. 'Wherefore is it called 'the Ford of Watching,' knowest thou?'

Léic a meic bic na eocho ar fergeilt ifectsa, ar Ibar. Romoch sin beus a Ibair, bar in mac bec Ocus in t-sligi mór sa imthéit sechond gia leth imthéit, ar in mac bec. Cid tai-siu di, ar Ibar. Aile it fer saignéch-su atchiu a meic bic, bar Ibar. Maith lim a maccain primsligeda in choicid d'iarfaigid, cia airet imthéit. Téit co Áth na Foraire i Sleib Fúait, ar Ibar. Cid ma n-apar Áth na Foraire fris, in fetar-su.

'Yea, I know it well,' Ibar made answer. 'A stout warrior of Ulster is on watch and on guard there every day, so that there come no strange youths into Ulster to challenge them to battle, and he is a champion to give battle in behalf of the whole province. Likewise if men of song leave the Ulstermen and the province in dudgeon, he is there to soothe them by proffering treasures and valuables, and so to save the honour of the province. Again, if men of song enter the land, he is the man that is their surety that they win the favour of Conchobar, so that songs and lays made for him will be the first to be sung after their arrival in Emain.' 'Knowest thou who is at the ford to-day?' 'Yea, I know,' Ibar answered; ' Conall Cernach (' the Triumphant'), the heroic, warlike son of Amargin, royal champion of Erin,' Ibar answered.' Thither guide us, fellow, that so we reach the ford.'

Ra fetar-sa omm, bar Ibar. Daglaech de Ultaib bís ic foraire & ic forcomét and ar na tíset óic no echtranna i n-Ultu do fuacra comraic forru, co rop é in laech conairr comrac dar cend in choicid uli. Da n-dig dana aés dána fo dímaig a Ultaib & assin choiciud, co rop é conairr séta & máine dar cend aenig in choicid dóib. Da tí dana aes dána sin crích, co rop é in fer bas chommairge dóib corrosset colbo Conchobair, co rop siat a duana sain & a dréchta gabtair ar tús i n-Emain ar richtain. In fetar-su cia fil icond áth sain indiu. Ro fetar omm, bar Ibar, Conall Cernach curata comramach mac Amargin rí-laech hErend, bar Ibar.To rouind duit-siu a maccáin, ar con rísem in n-áth.

'Onwards they drove into sight of the ford where was Conall. 'Are those arms he yonder has taken?' asked Conall. 'Of a truth, are they,' Ibar made answer. 'May it be for victory and for triumph and first wounding,' said Conall; 'but we think it too soon for thee to take arms, because thou art not yet capable of deeds. Were it surety he needed, he that should come hither,' he continued, 'so wouldst thou furnish a perfect warrant amongst the Ulstermen, and the nobles of the province would rise up to support thee in the contest.' 'What cost thou here, O Conall my master?' asked the lad. 'Watch and ward of the province, lad, I keep here,' Conall made answer.

Lotar rempu co dreich inn atha i m-bái Conall. Airm co n-gab sút, ar Conall. Sed écin, bar Ibar. Rop da buaid & choscur & cetguine sin, ar Conall, acht bad romoch lind ra gabais armu, daig ar bith nít ingnima-su beus. Da m-bad chommairgi ricfad a less intí ticfad sund, ar biadat slanchommairgi-siu bar Ultaib, uli n-óg, & atrestáis mathi in choicid rit báig. Cid dogní andsin, a phopa Chonaill, ar in mac bec. Foraire & forcomét in choicid sund a meic bic, bar Conall.

'Do thou go home now, O master Conall,' said the lad, 'and leave me the watch and guard of the province to keep here.' 'Say not so, little son,' replied Conall; 'thou art not yet able to cope with a goodly warrior.' 'Then, will I keep on to the south,' said the little boy, 'to Fertas ('the Bank') of Loch Echtrann for a while; champions are wont to take stand there; perchance I may redden my hands on friend or on foe this day.' 'I will go, little boy,' said Conall, 'to save thee, that thou go not alone into peril on the border.' 'Not so,' said the lad. 'But I will go,' said Conall; 'for the men of Ulster will blame me for leaving thee to go alone on the border.'

Eirgg-siu dot tig ifechtsa a phopa Chonaill, ar in mac bec, & no léicfe dam-sa foraire & forcomét in choicid do denam sund. Ni thó a meic bic, ar Conall. Ni dat tualaing comrac ri deglaéch cose. Ragat-sa sechum fo des didiu, ar in mac bec, co Fertais Locha Echtrand colléic, dús in fagbaind mo lama do fuligud for carait no namait indiu. Rag-sa a meic bic, ar Conall, dot imdegail, ar na tiasair th'oenur in cocrích. Ni thó, ar in mac bec. Rachat omm, bar Conall, dáig benfait Ulaid form do lecud th'oenur sin cocrích.

'Conall's horses were caught for him and his chariot was yoked and he set out to protect the little boy. When Conall came up abreast of him, Cuchulain felt certain that, even though a chance came to him, Conall would not permit him to use it. He picked up a hand-stone from the ground which was the full of his grasp. He hurled it from him from his sling the length of a stone-shot at the yoke of Conall's chariot, so that he broke the chariot-collar in two and thereby Conall fell to the ground, so that the nape of his neck went out from his shoulder.' What have we here, boy?' asked Conall; 'why threwest thou the stone?' 'It is I threw it to see if my cast be straight, or how I cast at all, or if I have the stuff of a warrior in me.' 'A bane on thy cast and a bane on thyself as well. E'en though thou leavest thy head this time with thine enemies, I will go no further to protect thee.' 'Twas what I craved of thee,' answered he; 'for it is geis amongst you men of Ulster to proceed, after a mishap has befallen your chariots.' Conall turned back northwards again to the Ford of Watching.

Gabtair a eich do Chonall & ro indled a charpat. Ocus dochuaid d'imdegail in meic bic. O ra siacht Conall ard fri aird fris, demin leis, gia no thachrad écht dó, na lécfad Conall dó a denam. Gebid lamchloich do lár thalman dar bo lán a glacc. Focheird rout n-urchoir uad ar ammus cungi carpait Conaill, co ro bris cuing in charpait ar dó, co torchair Conall tríít go talmain, co n-dechaid a maél asa gualaind. Cid and-so a meic, ar Conall. Messi tarlaic dia fis dús in dí-riuch m'urchor no cinnas dibairgim etir no amm-adbar gascedaig atam-chomnaic. Neim ar th'urchur & neim fort féin. Cid do chend facba lat namtiu ifesta, ni con tias dot imdegail ní ba siriu. Sed sin conattecht-sa foraib, ar esium. Dáig is geis dúib in far n-Ultaib techt dar éclind in far carptaib. Tanic Conall fo thúaid arís co Áth na Foraire ar culu.

'As for the little boy, he fared southwards to Fertas Locha Echtrann. He remained there till the end of the day and they found no one there before them. 'If we dared tell thee, little boy,' spoke Ibar, 'it were time for us to return to Emain now; for dealing and carving and dispensing of food is long since begun in Emain, and there is a place assigned for thee there. Every day it is appointed thee to sit between Conchobar's feet, while for me there is naught but to tarry among the hostlers and tumblers of Conchobar's household. For that reason, methinks it is time to have a scramble a among them.' 'Fetch then the horses for us.'

Imthúsa in meic bic dochuaid se fo des co Fertais Locha Echtrand. Bái and co tanic deired dond ló. Da laimmais a rád frit a meic bic, ar Ibar, ro pa mithig lind techt co hEmain ifechtsa, dáig ro gabad dáil & raind & fodail i n-Emain a chianaib, & fail inad urdalta lat-su and di cach lou rod-icfa bith etir da choiss Conchobair, & ni fail limsa acht bith etir echlachu & oblóire tigi Conchobair. Mithig lim-sa techt do imscrípgail friu. Geib lat dún ind echrad didiu.

The charioteer fetched the horses and the lad mounted the chariot. 'But, O Ibar, what hill is that there now, the hill to the north?' the lad asked.' Now, that is Sliab Moduirn,' Ibar answered. 'Let us go and get there,' siad Cuchulain. Then they go on till they reach it. When they reached the mountain, Cuchulain asked, 'And what is that white cairn yonder on the height of the mountain?' 'And that is Finncharn ('the White Cairn') of Sliab Moduirn,' Ibar answered. 'But yonder cairn is beautiful,' exclaimed the lad. 'It surely is beautiful,' Ibar answered. 'Lead on, fellow, till we reach yonder cairn.' 'Well, but thou art both a pleasant and tedious inquisitor, I see,' exclaimed Ibar; ' but this is my first journey and my first time with thee. It shall be my last time till the very day of doom, if once I get back to Emain.'

Gebid in t-ara in n-echraid & luid in mac issin carpat. Aile a Ibair, ga tulach and in tulach sa thúas innossa, ar in mac bec. Sliab Moduirn sin innossa, ar Ibar. Ocus gia findcharn sút immullaig in t-slebe. Findcharn dana Slebe Moduirn, ar Ibar. Aile is áibind in carn út, ar in mac bec. Oebind omm, bar Ibar. Tair roind a maccain, corrisam in cárn út. Aile at fer saignesach-su lista atchiu, for Ibar. Acht is é-seo mo chétfecht-sa lat-su. Bud é mo fecht dedenach co brunni m-brátha, mad daríus Emain oenfect.

'Howbeit they went to the top of the hill. 'It is pleasant here, O Ibar,' the little boy exclaimed. 'Point out to me Ulster on every side, for I am no wise acquainted with the land of my master Conchobar.' The horseman pointed him out Ulster all around him. He pointed him out the hills and the fields and the mounts of the province on every side. He pointed him out the plains and the dûns and the strongholds of the province. 'Tis a goodly sight, O Ibar,' exclaimed the little lad. 'What is that indented, angular, bordered and glenny plain to the south of us?' 'Mag Breg,' replied Ibar. 'Tell thou to me the buildings and forts of that plain.' The gilla taught him the name of every chief dûn between Temair and Cenannas, Temair and Taltiu, Cletech and Cnogba and Brug ('the Fort') of Mac Oc. He pointed out to him then the dûn of the three sons of Necht Scenè ('the Fierce'):

Lotar co mullach na taulcha arái. Maith and a Ibair, ar in mac bec. Tecoisc-siu dam-sa Ultu ar cach leth, dáig nim eolach-sa i crích mo phopa Conchobair etir. Tecoscis in gilla dó Ulaid ar cach leth úad. Tecoiscis dó cnuicc & céti & tulcha in choicid ar cach leth. Tecoscis dó maigi & dune & dindgnai in coicid. Maith and-sin a Ibair, ar in mac bec. Gia mag and in cúlach cernach ochrach glennach sa ruind aness. Mag m-Breg, bar Ibar. Tecoisc-siu dam-sa déntai & dindgnai in maige sin. Tecoscais in gilla dó: Temair & Taltiu, Cleittech & Cnogba & Brug Meic inn Óóc ocus Dún Mac Nechtain Scene.

Foill and Fandall and Tuachall, their names; Fer Ulli son of Lugaid was their father, and Necht from the mouth of the Scenè was their mother. Now the Ulstermen had slain their father; it was for that reason they were at war with Ulster.'

But are those not Necht's sons, that boast that not more of the Ulstermen are alive than have fallen at their hands?' 'The same, in sooth,' answered the gilla. 'On with us to the dûn of the macNechta,' cried the little boy. 'Alas, in truth, that thou sayest so,' quoth Ibar; 'tis a peril for us.' 'Truly, not to avoid it do we go,' answered Cuchulain.' We know it is an act of great folly for us to say so, but whoever may go,' said Ibar,' it will not be myself.' 'Living or dead, go there thou shalt,' the little boy cried. 'Tis alive I shall go to the south,' answered Ibar,' and dead I shall be left at the dûn, I know, even at the dûn of the macNechta.'

Aile nach siat na Meic Nectain sin máides nach mó fail na m-bethaid d'Ultaib anda a torchair leo-som díb. Siat omm, bar in gilla. Tair romuind co Dún Mac Nectain, ar in gilla bec. Mairg atbir ón omm, bar Ibar. Is fis dún conid mór in bert báisi a rád. Gib é dig, bar Ibar, ní ba missi. Ragaid do beo no do marb, ar in mac bec. Is mo beo ragas fades, ar Ibar, & mo marb fócebthar icon dún ro fetar, .i. oc Dún Mac Nectain.

'They push on to the dûn. And the little boy sprang out of the chariot onto the green. Thus was the green of the dûn, with a pillar-stone upon it and an iron band around that, and a band for prowess it was, and there was a writing in ogam at its joint, and this is the writing it bore: 'Whoever should come to the green, if he be a champion, it is geis for him to depart from the green without giving challenge to single combat.' The lad deciphered the writing and put his two arms around the pillar-stone. Just as the pillar-stone was with its ring, he flung it with a cast of his hand into the moat, so that a wave passed over it.

Lotar rempo cornice in dún. Ocus tarmlaing in mac assin charput for ind faichthe. Amlaid bói faichthi in dunaid & corthi furri & id iarnaidi na thimchiull & id niachais éside & ainm n-oguim na menoc, & is é ainm bói and: Gip e tised in faidche, dia m-ba gascedach, geis fair ar thecht dind faidchi cen chomrac n-oenfir do fuacra. Airlegais in mac bec in n-ainm & tuc a da rigid mun coirthi. Mar bói in coirthi cona id, tarlaic sin linnid, con toracht tond taris.

'Methinks,' spake Ibar, 'it is no better now than to be where it was. And we know thou shalt now get on this green the thing thou desires', even the token of death, yea, of doom and destruction!' 'Good, O Ibar, spread the chariot-coverings and its skins for me that I may snatch a little sleep.' 'Woe is me, that thou sayest so,' answered the gilla; 'for a foeman's land is this and not a green for diversion.' The gilla arranged the chariot-coverings and its skins under Cuchulain, and the lad fell asleep on the green.

Andar lind, ar Ibar, ní ferr sin na a bith i fail irraba. Ocus ro fetamar, fogéba for in faidchi se aní co atái iarair don chur sa, .i. airdena báis & éca & aideda. Maith a Ibair, córaig fortcha in charpait & a fortgemni dam co ro thurthaind cotlud bicán. Mairg atbir ón ám, ar in gilla, dáig is crích bidbad so & ni faidchi airurais. Coraigis in gilla fortcha in charpait & a fortgemne. Taurthais in gilla bec cotlud for ind faidche.

'Then came one of the macNechta onto the fair-green, to wit, Foill son of Necht. 'Unyoke not the horses, gilla,' cried Foill.' I am not fain to, at all,' answered Ibar; 'the reins and the lines are still in my hand.' 'Whose horses are those, then?' Foill asked. 'Two of Conchobar's horses,' answered the gilla; 'the two of the dappled heads.' 'That is the knowledge I have of them. And what hath brought these steeds here to the borders?' 'A tender youth that has assumed arms amongst us to-day for luck and good omen,' the horseboy answered, 'is come to the edges of the marshes to display his comeliness.' 'May it not be for victory nor for triumph, his first-taking of arms,' exclaimed Foill. 'If I knew he was fit for deeds, it is dead he should go back northwards to Emain and not alive!' 'In good sooth, he is not fit for deeds,' Ibar answered; 'it is by no means right to say it of him; it is the seventh year since he was taken from the crib. '

And-sain tanic mac do maccaib Nechtain for in faidchi .i. Fóill mac Nechtain. Na scuir na eochu itir a gillai, ar Fóill. Ní triallaim itir, ar Ibar. Atát a n-ési & a n-aradna im láim béus. Coichi na eich sin etir, for Foill. Da ech Conchobair, ar in gilla, na da chendbricc. Sí sin aichni dobiur-sa forru. Ocus cid tuc na eocho sund co hor cocríchi. Maéthmaccaém co n-gab armu lind, ar in gilla, tanic co hor cocríchi do thasselbad a delba. Ni rop do búaid no choscur ón, ar Fóill. Dia fessaind co m-bad ingníma, is a marb ricfad fathúaid arís co hEmain & ní bad a béo. Ní ingníma omm, bar Ibar, ní comad aid a rád ris etir, is in t-sechtmad bliadain arna breith don fail.

'The little lad raised his face from the ground and drew his hand over his face, and he became as one crimson wheelball from his crown to the ground. 'Aye, but I am fit for deeds!' the lad cried. 'That pleaseth me well,' said the champion; 'but more like than what thou sayest, meseemeth, thou art not fit for deeds.' 'Thou wilt know that better if we go to the ford. But, go fetch thy weapons, for I see it is in the guise of a churl thou art come, and I slay nor charioteers nor grooms nor folk without arms.'

Conúargaib in mac bec a gnúis ó thalmain & tuc a láim dar a gnúis & doringni rothmol corcarda del o mulluch co talmain. Isam ingníma omm, ar in mac bec. Docho lim na rada duit, ni dat ingníma. The mystery of sweet potats mac os. Bid docho duit, acht condrísem forsind áth, acht eirgsiu ar cend t'arm, daig atchiu is midlachda tanac, ar ní gonaim aradu no echlacha no aes cen armu.

The man went apace after his arms. 'Now thou shouldst have a care for us against yonder man that comes to meet thee, little lad,' said Ibar. 'And why so?' asked the lad. 'Foill son of Necht is the man thou seest. Neither points nor edges of weapons can harm him.' 'Not before me shouldst thou say that, O Ibar,' quoth the lad. 'I will put my hand to the lath-trick for him, namely, to the apple of twice-melted iron, and it will light upon the disc of his shield and on the flat of his forehead, and it will carry away the size of an apple of his brain out through the back of his head, so that it will make a sieve-hole outside of his head, till the light of the sky will be visible through his head.'

Bidcais in fer sain ar cend a airm. Cóir duit arechus dúin fris sút a meic bic, ar Ibar. Ced ón ecin, ar in mac bec. Fóill mac Nechtain in fer atchí, nín gabat renna no airm no faebair itir. Ní rum-sa is chóir duit-siu sain do rád a Ibair, ar in mac bec. Dobér-sa mo láim fon deil cliss dó, .i. fon n-ubull n-athlegtha n-íarnaide, & tecema illaind a scéith & illaind a étain & béraid comthrom inn ubaill da inchind tria chuladaig co n-dingne retherderg de fria chend anechtair, co m-bat léiri lesbaire aeóir triana chend.

'Foill son of Necht came forth. Cuchulain took the lath-trick in hand for him and threw it from him the length of his cast, so that it lighted on the flat of his shield and on the front of his forehead and carried away the bulk of an apple of his brain out through the back of his head, so that it made a sieve-hole thereof outside of his head, till the light of the sky might be seen through his head. He went to him then and struck off the head from the trunk. Thereafter he bore away his spoils and his head with him.

Free the dark knight. Tánic immach Foill mac Nechtain. Tuc-som a láim fon deil cliss dó & focheird rout n-urchair úad, co tarla illaind a scéith & illaind a étain & berid comthrom inn ubaill da inchind tria chuladaig co n-derna rechderg de fria chend anechtair, co m-ba léir lésbaire aeóir triana chend. Ocus tópacht som a chend dia mede.

'Then came the second son out on the green, his name Tuachall ('the Cunning') son of Necht. 'Aha, I see thou wouldst boast of this deed,' quoth Tuachall. 'In the first place I deem it no cause to boast for slaying one champion,' said Cuchulain; 'thou shalt not boast of it this time, for thou shalt fall by my hand.' 'Off with thee for thine arms, then, for 'tis not as a warrior thou art come.' The man rushed after his arms. 'Thou shouldst have a care for us against yon man, lad,' said Ibar. 'How so?' the lad asked. 'Tuachall son of Necht is the man thou beholdest. And he is nowise misnamed, for he falls not by arms at all. Unless thou worstest him with the first blow or with the first shot or with the first touch, thou wilt not worst him ever, because of his craftiness and the skill wherewith he plays round the points of the weapons.'

Tánic in mac tanaise immach ar in faidchi, Tuachall mac Nechtain. Aile atchiu commaidfide lat sain, ar Tuachall. Ni máidim limm chetus oenláech dommarbad. Ni maidfesu ón a fecht sa, dáig dofáithaisiu limm-sa. Tó duit-siu ar cend t'arm, dáig is midlachda tánac. Bidgais in fer sain ar cend a arm. Cóir duit arechus dúin risiút a meic bic, bar Ibar. Cid són, ar in mac bec. Tuachail mac Nechtain in fer atchí. Meni arrais din chétbulli no din chéturchur no din chéttadall, ní arrais etir chaidche (ar) a amansi & a airgigi non imrend im rennaib na n-arm.

'That should not be said before me, O Ibar,' cried the lad. 'I will put my hand on Conchobar's well-tempered lance, on the Craisech Neme ('the Venomous Lance'). It will light on the shield over his belly, and it will crush through his ribs on the farther side after piercing his heart in his breast. That would be the smiting cast of an enemy and not the friendliness of a fellow countryman! From me he shall not get sick-nursing or care till the brink of doom.'

Ni rim-sa is rátti sin a Ibair, ar in mac bec. Dober-sa mo láim fón manáis murnig Conchobair, fon crúisig neme, tecema sin sciath os a broind & brúifet tria asna a thaéib bas siriu uaím ar tregdad a chridi na chliab. Bud aurchur deoraid sin & ni ba hicht urraid. Ni ba teg legis no othrais uaím-se dó co bruinne m-bratha.

'Tuachall son of Necht came forth on the green, and the lad laid his hand on Conchobar's lance against him, and it struck the shield above his belly and broke through the ribs on the farther side after piercing his heart within his breast. He struck off his head or ever it reached the ground.

Tanic Tuachall mac Nechtain immach ar in faidchi, & focheird in mac bec a láim fón manáis Conchobair dó, & dorecgmaing sin scíath os a broind & bruis sin asna ina tháib aile ba siriu úad ar tregdad a chridi na chliab. Benaid-sium a chend, ria siu sessed dochum talman.

'Then came the youngest of the sons forth on the green, namely, Fandall son of Necht. 'Fools were the folk who fought with thee here,' cried Fandall. 'How, now!' cried the lad. 'Come down to the pool, where thy foot findeth not bottom.' Fandall rushed on to the pool. 'Thou shouldst be wary for us of him, little boy,' said Ibar. 'Why should I then?' asked the lad. 'Fandall son of Necht is the man whom thou seest. For this he bears the name Fandall ('the Swallow'): like a swallow or weasel he courseth the sea; the swimmers of the world cannot reach him.'

And-sin tanic immach sósar na clainde forsin faidchi .i. Faindle mac Nechtain. Is baeth in lucht condránic frit and-sin, ar Fandle. Cid ón, ar in mac bec. Tair sechut sís ar in lind bail ná ró do choss lár. Bidgais Fandle reme for in lind. Coír duit arechus dúin risiút a meic bic, bar Ibar. Cid ón écin, ar in mac bec. Fandle mac Nechtain in fer atchí. Is de diatá in t-ainm fair mar fandaill no mar íaraind imtheít muir. Ni chumgat snámaigi in talman ní dó. How to shoot a criminal mac os.

'Thou shouldst not speak thus before me, O Ibar,' said the lad. 'Thou knowest the river that is in our land, in Emain, the Callann. When the boys frequent it with their games of sport and when the water is not beneath them, if the surface is not reached by them all, I do carry a boy over it on either of my palms and a boy on either of my shoulders, and I myself do not even wet my ankles under the weight of them.'

After day mac os. Ní rim-sa is chóir sin do rád a Ibair, ar in mac bec. Saichnid duit-siu ind aband fil ocuind i n-Emain, Kalland. Tráth nos immet in maccrad do chlessaib cluchi furri, & úair nach fóisam in lind, berim-se maccaém cechtar mo da dernand tarsi and-sin & maccaém cechtar mo da gúaland, & ni fliuchaim fadesin gid mo adbrunnu fóthu.

'They met upon the water and they engaged in wrestling upon it, and the little boy closed his arms over Fandall, so that the sea came up even with him, and he gave him a deft blow with Conchobar's sword and chopped off his head from the trunk, and left the body to go down with the stream, and he carried off the head and the spoils with him.

Condránic dóib for ind lind, & furmid in mac bec a rigthi tharis, co tarla in muir aird fri aird fris, & dobretha tathulbéim do chlaidiub Conchobair dó, & tópacht a chend dá médiu & leicis in colaind lasin sruth & dobretha a cend leis.

'Thereupon Cuchulain went into the dûn and pillaged the place and burned it so that its buildings were no higher than its walls. And they turned on the way to Sliab Fuait and carried the three heads of Necht's sons with them.

Lotar isin dún far tain & ra airg(set) in cathraig & ra loiscset connarbdar airdiu a déntai andat a immélaig. Ocus imsóiset rempu i Sliab Fúait & dobrethsat tri cind Mae Nechtain leo.

'When they came to Sliab Fuait they espied a herd of wild deer before them. 'What are those many cattle, O Ibar, those nimble ones yonder?' asked the lad; 'are they tame or are they other deer?' 'They are real wild deer, indeed,' Ibar answered; 'herds of wild deer that haunt the wastes of Sliab Fuait.' 'Ply the goad for us on the horses into the bog, to see can we take some of them.' The charioteer drove a goad into the horses. It was beyond the power of the king's overfat steeds to keep up with the deer. The lad got down from the chariot and as the fruit of his run and his race, in the morass which was around him, he caught two of the swift, stout deer. He fastened them to the back poles and the bows and the thongs of the chariot.

Con faccatar in n-alma do aigib alta rempu. Cochit na inili imda imdaiscaire a Ibair, ar in mac bec, pettai sút no inn aigi chena. Aige chena omm, bar Ibar. Almai d'aigib alta sain bít i n-diamraib Sleibi Fúait. Saig brot dún forsin n-echraid, dús ar connársimmís ní díb. Saigis in t-ara brot for in n-echraid. Ni chaemnactar eich roremra ind ríg in damrad do chomaitecht. Luid in mac bec assin charput & gebis da n-ag lúatha látiri díb. Cenhglais d'fertsib & d'ithisib & d'iallaib in charpait.

'They continued their way to the mound-seat of Emain, where they saw flocks of white swans flying by them. 'What are those birds there, O Ibar?' the lad asked; 'are yonder birds tame or are they other birds?' 'Indeed, they are real wild birds,' Ibar answered; 'flocks of swans are they that come from the rocks and crags and islands of the great sea without, to feed on the plains and smooth spots of Erin.' 'Which would be stranger to the Ulstermen, O Ibar, for them to be fetched alive to Emain or dead?' asked the lad.' Stranger far, alive,' Ibar answered 'for not every one succeeds in taking the birds alive, while they are many that take them dead.' Then did the lad perform one of his lesser feats upon them: he put a small stone in his sling, so that he brought down eight of the birds; and then he performed a greater feat: he threw a large stone at them and he brought down sixteen of their number. With his return stroke all that was done. He fastened them to the hind poles and the bows and the thongs and the ropes and the traces of the chariot.

Lotar rempu co forodmag na hEmna, con mafaccatar in n-elta do gésib gela seccu. Cóichi and na eóin sin a Ibair, ar in mac bec. Indat pettai sút no indat éoin chena. Eoin chena omm, bar Ibar, elta do gésib sin tecait di chlochaib & carrgib & ailénaib in mara móir immuich, do geilt for maigib & rédib hErend. Cia bad irdarcu, a m-béo sút do rochtain Emna no ammarb a Ibair, ar in mac bec. Airdarcu a m-béo omm, bar Ibar, dáig ni cách conairg na eoin beoa do gabail. And-sain dobretha in mac ceird m-bic forru, fostaid ocht n-eono díb, & dobretha ceird máir iar sain, & fastaid sé eóin déc díb. Cenglais do fertsib & d'fithisib & iallaib & d'folomnaib & tetaib in carpait.

'Take the birds along with thee, O Ibar,' cried the lad to his charioteer. 'I am in sore straits,' answered Ibar; 'I find it not easy to go.' 'What may it be?' asked the lad. 'Great cause have I. The horses have become wild, so that I cannot go by them. If I stir at all from where I am, the chariot's iron wheels will cut me down because of their sharpness and because of the strength and the power and the might of the career of the horses. If I make any move, the horns of the deer will pierce and gore me.

Tuc lat na eonu a Ibair, ar in mac bec. Túsa i n-dulig, ar Ibar. Cid són écin, ar in mac bec. Fai a mórabba dam. Dianom gluasiur itir assin magin itú, nom thescfat roith iarnaide in charpait (re) feramla & fertsigi & fortressi ceimmi inna hechraide. Danam luur itir dana, nom thollfat & nom thregtaifet benna na n-aigi.

'Ah, no true champion art thou any longer, O Ibar,' said the lad; 'because of the look I shall give at the horses they will not depart from the straight way; at the look I shall give at the deer they will bend their heads in fear and awe of me; they will not dare move, and it will be safe for thee e'en though thou goest in front of their horns.'

Aile nit fírlaec(h)-su béus a Ibair [iarutn], dáig in fégad fégfat-sa for na echaib, ni ragat assa certimthecht. In tincud tincfat forsna haigib, cromfait a cinnu ar m'ecla & ar m'uamain, & fó duit-siu gid die m-bendaib no chingthé.

'Thereupon they went on till they reached the fair plain of Emain. It was then Lebarcham, the watch in Emain Macha, came forth and discerned them, she, the daughter of Aue ('Ear') and of Adarc ('Horn.') 'A single chariot-fighter is here, coming towards Emain Macha,' cried Lebarcham, 'and his coming is fearful. The heads of his foes all red in his chariot with him. Beautiful, all-white birds he has hovering around in the chariot. With him are wild, untamed deer, bound and fettered, shackled and pinioned. And I give my word, if he be not attended to this night, brood will flow over Conchobar's province by him and the youths of Ulster will fall by his hand.' 'We know him, that chariot-fighter,' spake Conchobar; 'belike it is the little gilla, my sister's son, who went to the edge of the marches at the beginning of the day, who has reddened his hands and is still unsated of combat, and unless he be attended to, all the youths of Emain will fall by his hand.'

Lotar rempo, co rancatar Emain. Is and-sin rathaigis in Leborcham íat, ingen saide Ái & Adairce. Oencharptech sund, for Leborcham, & is uathmar thic. Cind a bidbad fordergga sin charput aice. Eóin áille oengela ic imuarad aice sin charput. Aige altamla anríata i cengul & chrapull & chuibrech & charcair aice, & meni frithalter innocht é, dos-fáithsat óic Ulad leis. Ro-da-fetammar in carptech sin, ar Conchobar, in gilla bec mac mo sethar dochoid co hor cocríche, ro derg a láma & ni dóithanach comraic, & meni frithalter dana dofáithsat óic Emna uili leis.

'And this was the counsel they agreed to follow: to let out the womenfolk to meet the youth, namely, thrice fifty women, even ten and seven-score bold, stark-naked women, at one and the same time, and their chieftainess, Scannlach ('the Wanton') before them, to discover their persons and their shame to him.' Thereupon the young women all arose and marched out, and they discovered their nakedness and all their shame to him. The lad hid his face from them and turned his gaze on the chariot, that he might not see the nakedness or the shame of the women.

Ocus ba sed in chomairle ra cruthaiged leo: in bantrocht da lecud immaeh do saigid in meic, .i. tri coicait ban .i. deich mnaa & secht fichit díscir derglomnocht i n-oenfecht uili, & a m-bantoesech rempo, Scandlach, do thócbai annochta & annáre dó. Tancatar immach in banmaccrad uile, & tuargbatar annochta & annáre uile dó. Foilgid in mac a gnúis forru & dobretha a dreich frisin carpat, ar na acced nochta no náre na m-ban.

Then the lad was lifted out of the chariot. He was placed in three vats of cold water to extinguish his wrath; and the first vat into which he was put burst its staves and its hoops like the cracking of nuts around him. The next vat into which he went boiled with bubbles as big as fists therefrom. The third vat into which he went, some men might endure it and others might not. Then the boy's wrath went down. 'Thereupon he came out, and his festive garments were put on him.

And-sain ro irgabad in mac bec isin charput. Tucad i trí dabchaib uaruscib é do díbdúd a ferge, & in chetna dabach i tucad in mac bec ro díscáil da cláraib & da circlaib amal chnómaidm imbi. In dabach tanaise con figfed durnu di. In tres dabach fer fos-foilnged & fer ní foilnged etir. And-sain fergga in meic for cúlu, & conácbad a thimthach immi.

His comeliness appeared on him and he made a crimson wheel-ball of himself from his crown to the ground. Seven toes he had to each of his two feet, and seven fingers to each of his two hands, and seven pupils to each of his two kingly eyes, and seven gems of the brilliance of the eye was each separate pupil. Four spots of down on either of his two cheeks: a blue spot, a purple spot, a green spot, a yellow spot. Fifty strands of bright-yellow hair from one ear to the other, like to a comb of birch twigs or like to a brooch of pale gold in the face of the sun. A clear, white, shorn spot was upon him, as if a cow had licked it. A fair, laced green mantle about him; a silver pin therein over his white breast. A hooded tunic of thread of gold about him. And the lad was seated between the two feet of Conchobar, and that was his couch ever after, and the king began to stroke his close-shorn hair.

Tancatar a delba dó ocus doringni rothmól corcra de ó mulluch co talmain. Secht meóir cechtar a dá choss & secht meóir cechtar a dá lám, & secht meic imlessan cechtar a dá rigrosc iarum, & secht n-gemma de ruthin ruisc foleith cech mac imlesan díb. Cethri tibri díb cechtar a dá grúad: tibri gorm tibri corcra tibri úane tibri buide. Cóica urla fegbuide ón chluaís go cheile dó, amal chir m-bethi no amal brethnasa bánóir fri taul n-grene. Maél gle find fair mar bo atas-lilad. Brat uanide imme, delg n-argait indi. Léni orsnáith immi. Ocus ra sudiged in mac etir da choiss Conchobair. Ocus ro gab in rí ic sliachtad a máile.

'A mere lad accomplished these deeds at the end of seven years after his birth,' continued Fiachu son of Fiarba; 'for he overcame heroes and battle-champions at whose hands two-thirds of the men of Ulster had fallen, and these had not got the revenge on them until that scion rose up for them. No need then is there of wonder or of surprise, though he came to the border, though he slew one man or two men or three men or four men when now are fulfilled his seventeen years at the time of the Táin Bó Cúalnge.'

Mac bec doringni na gníma sin i cind a secht m-bliadan arna breith, bar ro scart na curaid & na cathmilid, ris torcratar da trian fer n-Ulad, & na fuaratar a dígail forro na con érracht in gein sin chucu, no corb eicen machtad no ingantus de, giano thised co hor críche, gana marbad fer no dís no triur no chethrur, in aim i n-at slana secht m-bliadna déc for Tain bó Cualnge.

Albeit gladness, joy and happiness was the part of the men of Ulster for that, sorrow, grief and unhappiness was the part of the men of Erin, for they knew that the little lad that had done those deeds in the time of his boyhood, it would be no wonder if he should do great deeds of valour in the time of his manhood.

These, accordingly, are some of the youthful exploits of Cuchulain on the Raid for the Kine of Cualnge, and the Prologue of the Tale, and the Names of the Roads and the March of the Host up to this Point.

Conid innisin do macgnímaib Conculaind sin for Tain bo Cualnge ocus remthús in sceóil & na sliged & imthechta in t-slúaig connici sin.

The Story proper is this which follows now.

In scel fodessin isní and fodechtsa.

Thou Shalt Not Mac Os 11

In order to do this, you have to fire up a bit of terminal. If you are not familiar with the underlines of UNIX, you should document yourself more before proceeding.

Thou Shalt Not Mac OS

Thou shalt not use unnecessary words. Thou shalt not use abbreviations. Thou shalt use the code's primary human language. Thou shalt not make up words. Thou shalt not include type. Thou shalt only use non-obvious words if the meaning is obvious. Thou shalt prefer active voice. Thou shalt use consistent syntax. Thou shalt break these rules if. Thou shalt not boot from an external drive unless it is plugged into a USB 3 port on the system itself. I had my drive plugged into a powered USB 3 hub. Any restart just fell back to the internal disk. 'Aha, I see thou wouldst boast of this deed,' quoth Tuachall. 'In the first place I deem it no cause to boast for slaying one champion,' said Cuchulain; 'thou shalt not boast of it this time, for thou shalt fall by my hand.' 'Off with thee for thine arms, then, for 'tis not as a warrior thou art come.'

index of namespronunciation guide
7b. (The Taking Of Arms By Cuchulain And) The Slaying Of The Three Sons Of Necht Scenè Is Now Told HereAided tri Mac Nechta Sceni inso sís

'The little lad performed a third deed in the following year,' said Fiachu son of Firaba.' What deed performed he?' asked Ailill.

Doringni in mac bec in tres gním isin bliadain ar cind dorís, ar Fiachu mac Firaba. Ga gním doringni, bar Ailill.

'Cathba the druid was with his son, namely Conchobar son of Ness, imparting learning to his pupils in the north-east of Emain, and eight eager pupils in the class of druidic cunning were with him. That is the number that Cathba instructed. One of them questioned his teacher, what fortune and presage might there be for the day they were in, whether it was good or whether it was ill. Then spake Cathba: 'The little boy that takes arms-- this day shall be splendid and renowned for deeds of arms above the youths of Erin land the tales of his high deeds shall be told forever, but he shall be short-lived and fleeting.'

Cathbad drúi búi oc tabairt da daltaib fri hEmain anairtúaith, & ocht n-dalta do aes in dána druidechta na farrad. Iarfacht dia aiti, cia so sén & solud búi for in ló i m-bátar, in ba maith fá in ba saich. And atbert Cathbad, mac bec con gebad gasced bad án & ra bad irdairc, ra bad duthain & dimbúan.

Cuchulain overheard what he said, though far off at his play-feats south-west of Emain; and he threw away all his play-things and hastened to Conchobar's sleep-room to ask for arms. 'All good attend thee, O king of the Fene!' cried the little lad. 'This greeting is the speech of one soliciting something of some one. What wouldst thou, lad?' said Conchobar. 'To take arms,' the lad made answer. 'Who hath advised thee, little boy?' asked Conchobar. 'Cathba the druid,' said the lad. 'He would not deceive thee, little boy,' said Conchobar.

Ra chúala-som aní sin & sé fria chlessaib chluchi fri hEmain aniardes, & focheird a adbena ániusa uli úad & dochuaid i cotultech Conchobair. Cach maith duit a rí fene, bar in mac bec. Aithesc dana cungeda neich o neoch in t-athesc sain. Cid connaige a meic bic, ar Conchobar. Airm do gabail, ar in mac bec. Cia dot-recoisc a meic bic, bar, Conchobar. Cathbad drúi, ar in mac bec. Car mechanic simulator 2015 gold edition mac os. Nit merad-su (.i. nít mairnfed) sain a meic bic, ar Conchobar.

Conchobar gave him two spears and a sword and a shield. The little boy shook and brandished the arms in the middle of the house so that he made small pieces and fragments of them. Conchobar gave him two other spears and a shield and a sword. He shook and brandished, flourished and poised them, so that he shivered them into small pieces and fragments. There where were the fourteen a suits of arms which Conchobar had in Emain, in reserve in case of breaking of weapons or for equipping the youths and the boys-- to the end that whatever boy assumed arms, it might be Conchobar that gave him the equipment of battle, and the victory of cunning would be his thenceforward-- even so, this little boy made splinters and fragments of them all.

Tobert Conchobar da sleig & claideb & scíath dó. Bocgais & bertnaigis in mac bec na harmu, (co n-derna) minbruan & minscomairt díb. Tuc Conchobar dá sleig aile dó & sciath & claideb. Bocais & bertnaigis, crothais & certaigis, co n-derna minbruan & minscomairt. Airm i m-batar na cethri airm déc batar ic Conchobur i n-Emain ic frithalim na maccaém & na maccraide, ciped mac díb no gabad gasced, co m-bad Conchobar doberad trelam fuaparta dó, buaid n-engnama leis assa aithle, cid trá doringni in mac bec sin minbruan & minscomairt dib uili.

'Truly these arms here are not good, O Conchobar my master,' the stripling cried. 'Herefrom cometh not what is worthy of me.' Conchobar gave him his own two spears and his shield and his sword. He shook and he brandished, he bent and he poised them so that tip touched butt, and he broke not the arms and they bore up against him, and he saluted the king whose arms they were. 'Truly, these arms are good,' said the little boy; 'they are suited to me. Hail to the king whose arms and equipment these are. Hail to the land whereout he is come!'

Ni maith ám and na airm se a mo phopa Conchobair, ar in mac bec. Ni thic mo dingbail-se di sodain. Tuc Conchobar a da sleig fodessin & a sciath & a chlaideb dó. Bocais & bertnaigis, crothais & certaigis, co n-arnic a fográin aice fri a n-irlaind, & ni ras-robrís na harmu, & ros fulgetar dó. Maithi na hairm se omm, bar in mac bec, is é so mo chomadas. Mochin in rí asa gasced & trelam so. Mochin tír asa tánic.

'Then Cathba the druid chanced to come into the tent, and what he said was, 'Hath he yonder taken arms?' Cathba asked. 'Aye, then, it must be,' Conchobar answered. 'Not by his mother's son would I wish them to be taken this day,' said Cathba. 'How so? Was it not thyself advised him?' Conchobar asked. 'Not I, in faith,' replied Cathba. 'What mean'st thou, bewitched elf-man?' cried Conchobar to Cuchulain. 'Is it a lie thou hast told us?' 'But be not wroth thereat, O my master Conchobar,' said the little boy. 'No lie have I told; for yet is it he that advised me, when he taught his other pupils this morning. For his pupil asked him what luck might lie in the day, and he said: The youth that took arms on this day would be illustrious and famous, except that he would be fleeting and short-lived.' 'That I avow to be true,' spake Cathba. 'Good indeed is the day, glorious and renowned shalt thou be, the one that taketh arms, yet passing and short lived!' 'Noble the gift! ' cried Cuchulain.' Little it recks me, though I should be but one day and one night in the world, if only the fame of me and of my deeds live after me!'

Sandsin tanic Cathbad drúi sin pupull & atbert: Airm cone-gab sút, ar Cathbad. Sed écin omm, bar Conchobar. Ni do mac do mathar bad áil dam a n-gabáil sind ló sa, ar Cathbad. Cid són, nach tussu darrecoisc, ar Conchobar. Nad me omm, bar Cathbad. Cid la a siriti síabairthi, ar Conchobar, in bréc dobertais immund. Na badat lond-su immorro ammo phopa Conchobair, ar in mac bec, dáig ar bith is esium dom-recuisc-se arái, ár iarfoacht a dalta dó, cia so sén bái for in ló, & atbert-som, mac bec no gébad gasced and, bad án & bad urdairc, baduthain & dimbuán immorro. Fír dam-sa ón, bar Cathbad, bat ánsu & bat urdairc, baduthain & dimbuán. Amra bríg can co ra bur acht oenlá & oenadaig ar bith, acht co marat m'airscéla & m'imthechta dimm esi. Zeus slot machine download. Maith a meic bic, airg i carpat, ar issed na cétna dait.

'Another day one of them asked of the druids for what that day would be propitious. 'The one that mounts a chariot to-day,' Cathba answered,' his name will be renowned over Erin for ever.'

'He mounted the chariot. He put his hands between the two poles of the chariot, and the first chariot he mounted withal he shook and tossed about him till he reduced it to splinters and fragments. He mounted the second chariot, so that he made small pieces and fragments of it in like manner. Further he made pieces of the third chariot. There where were the seventeen a chariots which Conchobar kept for the boy-troop and youths in Emain, the lad made small pieces and fragments of them and they did not withstand him. 'These chariots here are not good, O my master Conchobar,' said the little boy; 'my merit cometh not from them.'

Dothaet i carpat. Ocus in cetna carpat i tánic beus dana, bocais & bertnaigis imme, co n-derna minbruan & minscomairt de. Luid issin carpat tanaise, co n-derna minbruan & minscomairt de fon cumma cetna. Doringni minbruar don trescarpat beus. Airm i m-batar na sect carpait déc batar oc frithalim na maccraide & na maccaem ic Conchobur i n-Emain, doringni in mac bec minbruan & minscomairt díb uile, & ni ro fulngetar dó. Nit maithe and na carpait so a phopa Chonchobair, ar in mac bec. Ni thaet mo dingbail-se dib-so.

'Where is Ibar son of Riangabair?' asked Conchobar. 'Here, in sooth, am I,' Ibar answered.' Take with thee mine own two steeds for him yonder, and yoke my chariot.' Thereupon the charioteer took the horses and yoked the chariot. Then the little boy mounted the chariot. He shook the chariot about him, and it withstood him, and he broke it not. 'Truly this chariot is good,' cried the lad, 'and this chariot is suited to me.'

Cia airm ita Ibar mac Riangabra, ar Conchobar. Sund ém, ar Ibar. Geib lat mo da ech féin sút' & inill mo charpat. Gebid iarum in t-ara in n-echraid & indliss in carpat. Luid in mac bec sin carpat iarum. Bocais in carpat imme & ro fulngestar dó & ní ro briss. Maith in carpat sa omm, ar in mac bec, & iss ed and-so mo charpat comadas.

'Prithee, little boy,' said Ibar, 'come out of the chariot now and let the horses out on their pasture.' 'It is yet too soon, O Ibar,' the lad answered. 'Only let us go on a circuit of Emain to-day and thou shalt have a reward therefor, to-day being my first day of taking arms, to the end that it be a victory of cunning for me.'

Maith a meic bic, bar Ibar, léic na eocho ar a fergeilt ifechtsa. Romoch sin beus a Ibair, ar in mac bec. Tair round timchull na Emna indiu, indiu mo chetla-sa do gabail arm, co robúaid enhgnama dam.

'Thrice they made the circuit of Emain. 'Leave the horses now to their grazing, O little boy,' said Ibar. 'It is yet too soon, O Ibar,' the little lad answered; 'let us keep on, that the boys may give me a blessing to-day the first day of my taking arms.' They kept their course to the place where the boys were. 'Is it arms he yonder has taken?' each one asked. 'Of a truth, are they.' 'May it be for victory, for first wounding and triumph. But we deem it too soon for thee to take arms, because thou departest from us at the game-feats.' 'By no means will I leave ye, but for luck I took arms this day.'

Tancatar fothrí timchull na Emna. Léic na eocho ar férgeilt ifectsa a meic bic, ar Ibar. Romoch sin beus a Ibair, ar in mac bec. Tair round ar co m-bennachat in maccrad dam-sa, indiu mo chétla do gabail arm. Lotar rempu don magin i m-bátar in maccrad. Airm co n-gab sút, ar cách. Sed écin són. Rob do búaid & cétguine & choscur sin, acht ba romoch lind co n-gabais armu, fobíth do deligthi ruind oc na clessaib cluchi. Ni scér-sa frib-si etir, acht do seon co n-gabsa armu indiu.

'Now, little boy, leave the horses to their grazing,' said Ibar. 'It is still too soon for that, O Ibar,' the lad answered. 'And this great road winding by us, what way leads it?' the lad asked.' What is that to thee?' Ibar answered. 'But thou art a pleasant wight, I bow, little lad,' quoth Ibar. 'I wish, fellow, to inquire about the high-road of the province, what stretch it goes?' 'To Ath na Foraire ('the Ford of Watching') in Sliab Fuait it goes,' Ibar answered. 'Wherefore is it called 'the Ford of Watching,' knowest thou?'

Léic a meic bic na eocho ar fergeilt ifectsa, ar Ibar. Romoch sin beus a Ibair, bar in mac bec Ocus in t-sligi mór sa imthéit sechond gia leth imthéit, ar in mac bec. Cid tai-siu di, ar Ibar. Aile it fer saignéch-su atchiu a meic bic, bar Ibar. Maith lim a maccain primsligeda in choicid d'iarfaigid, cia airet imthéit. Téit co Áth na Foraire i Sleib Fúait, ar Ibar. Cid ma n-apar Áth na Foraire fris, in fetar-su.

'Yea, I know it well,' Ibar made answer. 'A stout warrior of Ulster is on watch and on guard there every day, so that there come no strange youths into Ulster to challenge them to battle, and he is a champion to give battle in behalf of the whole province. Likewise if men of song leave the Ulstermen and the province in dudgeon, he is there to soothe them by proffering treasures and valuables, and so to save the honour of the province. Again, if men of song enter the land, he is the man that is their surety that they win the favour of Conchobar, so that songs and lays made for him will be the first to be sung after their arrival in Emain.' 'Knowest thou who is at the ford to-day?' 'Yea, I know,' Ibar answered; ' Conall Cernach (' the Triumphant'), the heroic, warlike son of Amargin, royal champion of Erin,' Ibar answered.' Thither guide us, fellow, that so we reach the ford.'

Ra fetar-sa omm, bar Ibar. Daglaech de Ultaib bís ic foraire & ic forcomét and ar na tíset óic no echtranna i n-Ultu do fuacra comraic forru, co rop é in laech conairr comrac dar cend in choicid uli. Da n-dig dana aés dána fo dímaig a Ultaib & assin choiciud, co rop é conairr séta & máine dar cend aenig in choicid dóib. Da tí dana aes dána sin crích, co rop é in fer bas chommairge dóib corrosset colbo Conchobair, co rop siat a duana sain & a dréchta gabtair ar tús i n-Emain ar richtain. In fetar-su cia fil icond áth sain indiu. Ro fetar omm, bar Ibar, Conall Cernach curata comramach mac Amargin rí-laech hErend, bar Ibar.To rouind duit-siu a maccáin, ar con rísem in n-áth.

'Onwards they drove into sight of the ford where was Conall. 'Are those arms he yonder has taken?' asked Conall. 'Of a truth, are they,' Ibar made answer. 'May it be for victory and for triumph and first wounding,' said Conall; 'but we think it too soon for thee to take arms, because thou art not yet capable of deeds. Were it surety he needed, he that should come hither,' he continued, 'so wouldst thou furnish a perfect warrant amongst the Ulstermen, and the nobles of the province would rise up to support thee in the contest.' 'What cost thou here, O Conall my master?' asked the lad. 'Watch and ward of the province, lad, I keep here,' Conall made answer.

Lotar rempu co dreich inn atha i m-bái Conall. Airm co n-gab sút, ar Conall. Sed écin, bar Ibar. Rop da buaid & choscur & cetguine sin, ar Conall, acht bad romoch lind ra gabais armu, daig ar bith nít ingnima-su beus. Da m-bad chommairgi ricfad a less intí ticfad sund, ar biadat slanchommairgi-siu bar Ultaib, uli n-óg, & atrestáis mathi in choicid rit báig. Cid dogní andsin, a phopa Chonaill, ar in mac bec. Foraire & forcomét in choicid sund a meic bic, bar Conall.

'Do thou go home now, O master Conall,' said the lad, 'and leave me the watch and guard of the province to keep here.' 'Say not so, little son,' replied Conall; 'thou art not yet able to cope with a goodly warrior.' 'Then, will I keep on to the south,' said the little boy, 'to Fertas ('the Bank') of Loch Echtrann for a while; champions are wont to take stand there; perchance I may redden my hands on friend or on foe this day.' 'I will go, little boy,' said Conall, 'to save thee, that thou go not alone into peril on the border.' 'Not so,' said the lad. 'But I will go,' said Conall; 'for the men of Ulster will blame me for leaving thee to go alone on the border.'

Eirgg-siu dot tig ifechtsa a phopa Chonaill, ar in mac bec, & no léicfe dam-sa foraire & forcomét in choicid do denam sund. Ni thó a meic bic, ar Conall. Ni dat tualaing comrac ri deglaéch cose. Ragat-sa sechum fo des didiu, ar in mac bec, co Fertais Locha Echtrand colléic, dús in fagbaind mo lama do fuligud for carait no namait indiu. Rag-sa a meic bic, ar Conall, dot imdegail, ar na tiasair th'oenur in cocrích. Ni thó, ar in mac bec. Rachat omm, bar Conall, dáig benfait Ulaid form do lecud th'oenur sin cocrích.

'Conall's horses were caught for him and his chariot was yoked and he set out to protect the little boy. When Conall came up abreast of him, Cuchulain felt certain that, even though a chance came to him, Conall would not permit him to use it. He picked up a hand-stone from the ground which was the full of his grasp. He hurled it from him from his sling the length of a stone-shot at the yoke of Conall's chariot, so that he broke the chariot-collar in two and thereby Conall fell to the ground, so that the nape of his neck went out from his shoulder.' What have we here, boy?' asked Conall; 'why threwest thou the stone?' 'It is I threw it to see if my cast be straight, or how I cast at all, or if I have the stuff of a warrior in me.' 'A bane on thy cast and a bane on thyself as well. E'en though thou leavest thy head this time with thine enemies, I will go no further to protect thee.' 'Twas what I craved of thee,' answered he; 'for it is geis amongst you men of Ulster to proceed, after a mishap has befallen your chariots.' Conall turned back northwards again to the Ford of Watching.

Gabtair a eich do Chonall & ro indled a charpat. Ocus dochuaid d'imdegail in meic bic. O ra siacht Conall ard fri aird fris, demin leis, gia no thachrad écht dó, na lécfad Conall dó a denam. Gebid lamchloich do lár thalman dar bo lán a glacc. Focheird rout n-urchoir uad ar ammus cungi carpait Conaill, co ro bris cuing in charpait ar dó, co torchair Conall tríít go talmain, co n-dechaid a maél asa gualaind. Cid and-so a meic, ar Conall. Messi tarlaic dia fis dús in dí-riuch m'urchor no cinnas dibairgim etir no amm-adbar gascedaig atam-chomnaic. Neim ar th'urchur & neim fort féin. Cid do chend facba lat namtiu ifesta, ni con tias dot imdegail ní ba siriu. Sed sin conattecht-sa foraib, ar esium. Dáig is geis dúib in far n-Ultaib techt dar éclind in far carptaib. Tanic Conall fo thúaid arís co Áth na Foraire ar culu.

'As for the little boy, he fared southwards to Fertas Locha Echtrann. He remained there till the end of the day and they found no one there before them. 'If we dared tell thee, little boy,' spoke Ibar, 'it were time for us to return to Emain now; for dealing and carving and dispensing of food is long since begun in Emain, and there is a place assigned for thee there. Every day it is appointed thee to sit between Conchobar's feet, while for me there is naught but to tarry among the hostlers and tumblers of Conchobar's household. For that reason, methinks it is time to have a scramble a among them.' 'Fetch then the horses for us.'

Imthúsa in meic bic dochuaid se fo des co Fertais Locha Echtrand. Bái and co tanic deired dond ló. Da laimmais a rád frit a meic bic, ar Ibar, ro pa mithig lind techt co hEmain ifechtsa, dáig ro gabad dáil & raind & fodail i n-Emain a chianaib, & fail inad urdalta lat-su and di cach lou rod-icfa bith etir da choiss Conchobair, & ni fail limsa acht bith etir echlachu & oblóire tigi Conchobair. Mithig lim-sa techt do imscrípgail friu. Geib lat dún ind echrad didiu.

The charioteer fetched the horses and the lad mounted the chariot. 'But, O Ibar, what hill is that there now, the hill to the north?' the lad asked.' Now, that is Sliab Moduirn,' Ibar answered. 'Let us go and get there,' siad Cuchulain. Then they go on till they reach it. When they reached the mountain, Cuchulain asked, 'And what is that white cairn yonder on the height of the mountain?' 'And that is Finncharn ('the White Cairn') of Sliab Moduirn,' Ibar answered. 'But yonder cairn is beautiful,' exclaimed the lad. 'It surely is beautiful,' Ibar answered. 'Lead on, fellow, till we reach yonder cairn.' 'Well, but thou art both a pleasant and tedious inquisitor, I see,' exclaimed Ibar; ' but this is my first journey and my first time with thee. It shall be my last time till the very day of doom, if once I get back to Emain.'

Gebid in t-ara in n-echraid & luid in mac issin carpat. Aile a Ibair, ga tulach and in tulach sa thúas innossa, ar in mac bec. Sliab Moduirn sin innossa, ar Ibar. Ocus gia findcharn sút immullaig in t-slebe. Findcharn dana Slebe Moduirn, ar Ibar. Aile is áibind in carn út, ar in mac bec. Oebind omm, bar Ibar. Tair roind a maccain, corrisam in cárn út. Aile at fer saignesach-su lista atchiu, for Ibar. Acht is é-seo mo chétfecht-sa lat-su. Bud é mo fecht dedenach co brunni m-brátha, mad daríus Emain oenfect.

'Howbeit they went to the top of the hill. 'It is pleasant here, O Ibar,' the little boy exclaimed. 'Point out to me Ulster on every side, for I am no wise acquainted with the land of my master Conchobar.' The horseman pointed him out Ulster all around him. He pointed him out the hills and the fields and the mounts of the province on every side. He pointed him out the plains and the dûns and the strongholds of the province. 'Tis a goodly sight, O Ibar,' exclaimed the little lad. 'What is that indented, angular, bordered and glenny plain to the south of us?' 'Mag Breg,' replied Ibar. 'Tell thou to me the buildings and forts of that plain.' The gilla taught him the name of every chief dûn between Temair and Cenannas, Temair and Taltiu, Cletech and Cnogba and Brug ('the Fort') of Mac Oc. He pointed out to him then the dûn of the three sons of Necht Scenè ('the Fierce'):

Lotar co mullach na taulcha arái. Maith and a Ibair, ar in mac bec. Tecoisc-siu dam-sa Ultu ar cach leth, dáig nim eolach-sa i crích mo phopa Conchobair etir. Tecoscis in gilla dó Ulaid ar cach leth úad. Tecoiscis dó cnuicc & céti & tulcha in choicid ar cach leth. Tecoscis dó maigi & dune & dindgnai in coicid. Maith and-sin a Ibair, ar in mac bec. Gia mag and in cúlach cernach ochrach glennach sa ruind aness. Mag m-Breg, bar Ibar. Tecoisc-siu dam-sa déntai & dindgnai in maige sin. Tecoscais in gilla dó: Temair & Taltiu, Cleittech & Cnogba & Brug Meic inn Óóc ocus Dún Mac Nechtain Scene.

Foill and Fandall and Tuachall, their names; Fer Ulli son of Lugaid was their father, and Necht from the mouth of the Scenè was their mother. Now the Ulstermen had slain their father; it was for that reason they were at war with Ulster.'

But are those not Necht's sons, that boast that not more of the Ulstermen are alive than have fallen at their hands?' 'The same, in sooth,' answered the gilla. 'On with us to the dûn of the macNechta,' cried the little boy. 'Alas, in truth, that thou sayest so,' quoth Ibar; 'tis a peril for us.' 'Truly, not to avoid it do we go,' answered Cuchulain.' We know it is an act of great folly for us to say so, but whoever may go,' said Ibar,' it will not be myself.' 'Living or dead, go there thou shalt,' the little boy cried. 'Tis alive I shall go to the south,' answered Ibar,' and dead I shall be left at the dûn, I know, even at the dûn of the macNechta.'

Aile nach siat na Meic Nectain sin máides nach mó fail na m-bethaid d'Ultaib anda a torchair leo-som díb. Siat omm, bar in gilla. Tair romuind co Dún Mac Nectain, ar in gilla bec. Mairg atbir ón omm, bar Ibar. Is fis dún conid mór in bert báisi a rád. Gib é dig, bar Ibar, ní ba missi. Ragaid do beo no do marb, ar in mac bec. Is mo beo ragas fades, ar Ibar, & mo marb fócebthar icon dún ro fetar, .i. oc Dún Mac Nectain.

'They push on to the dûn. And the little boy sprang out of the chariot onto the green. Thus was the green of the dûn, with a pillar-stone upon it and an iron band around that, and a band for prowess it was, and there was a writing in ogam at its joint, and this is the writing it bore: 'Whoever should come to the green, if he be a champion, it is geis for him to depart from the green without giving challenge to single combat.' The lad deciphered the writing and put his two arms around the pillar-stone. Just as the pillar-stone was with its ring, he flung it with a cast of his hand into the moat, so that a wave passed over it.

Lotar rempo cornice in dún. Ocus tarmlaing in mac assin charput for ind faichthe. Amlaid bói faichthi in dunaid & corthi furri & id iarnaidi na thimchiull & id niachais éside & ainm n-oguim na menoc, & is é ainm bói and: Gip e tised in faidche, dia m-ba gascedach, geis fair ar thecht dind faidchi cen chomrac n-oenfir do fuacra. Airlegais in mac bec in n-ainm & tuc a da rigid mun coirthi. Mar bói in coirthi cona id, tarlaic sin linnid, con toracht tond taris.

'Methinks,' spake Ibar, 'it is no better now than to be where it was. And we know thou shalt now get on this green the thing thou desires', even the token of death, yea, of doom and destruction!' 'Good, O Ibar, spread the chariot-coverings and its skins for me that I may snatch a little sleep.' 'Woe is me, that thou sayest so,' answered the gilla; 'for a foeman's land is this and not a green for diversion.' The gilla arranged the chariot-coverings and its skins under Cuchulain, and the lad fell asleep on the green.

Andar lind, ar Ibar, ní ferr sin na a bith i fail irraba. Ocus ro fetamar, fogéba for in faidchi se aní co atái iarair don chur sa, .i. airdena báis & éca & aideda. Maith a Ibair, córaig fortcha in charpait & a fortgemni dam co ro thurthaind cotlud bicán. Mairg atbir ón ám, ar in gilla, dáig is crích bidbad so & ni faidchi airurais. Coraigis in gilla fortcha in charpait & a fortgemne. Taurthais in gilla bec cotlud for ind faidche.

'Then came one of the macNechta onto the fair-green, to wit, Foill son of Necht. 'Unyoke not the horses, gilla,' cried Foill.' I am not fain to, at all,' answered Ibar; 'the reins and the lines are still in my hand.' 'Whose horses are those, then?' Foill asked. 'Two of Conchobar's horses,' answered the gilla; 'the two of the dappled heads.' 'That is the knowledge I have of them. And what hath brought these steeds here to the borders?' 'A tender youth that has assumed arms amongst us to-day for luck and good omen,' the horseboy answered, 'is come to the edges of the marshes to display his comeliness.' 'May it not be for victory nor for triumph, his first-taking of arms,' exclaimed Foill. 'If I knew he was fit for deeds, it is dead he should go back northwards to Emain and not alive!' 'In good sooth, he is not fit for deeds,' Ibar answered; 'it is by no means right to say it of him; it is the seventh year since he was taken from the crib. '

And-sain tanic mac do maccaib Nechtain for in faidchi .i. Fóill mac Nechtain. Na scuir na eochu itir a gillai, ar Fóill. Ní triallaim itir, ar Ibar. Atát a n-ési & a n-aradna im láim béus. Coichi na eich sin etir, for Foill. Da ech Conchobair, ar in gilla, na da chendbricc. Sí sin aichni dobiur-sa forru. Ocus cid tuc na eocho sund co hor cocríchi. Maéthmaccaém co n-gab armu lind, ar in gilla, tanic co hor cocríchi do thasselbad a delba. Ni rop do búaid no choscur ón, ar Fóill. Dia fessaind co m-bad ingníma, is a marb ricfad fathúaid arís co hEmain & ní bad a béo. Ní ingníma omm, bar Ibar, ní comad aid a rád ris etir, is in t-sechtmad bliadain arna breith don fail.

'The little lad raised his face from the ground and drew his hand over his face, and he became as one crimson wheelball from his crown to the ground. 'Aye, but I am fit for deeds!' the lad cried. 'That pleaseth me well,' said the champion; 'but more like than what thou sayest, meseemeth, thou art not fit for deeds.' 'Thou wilt know that better if we go to the ford. But, go fetch thy weapons, for I see it is in the guise of a churl thou art come, and I slay nor charioteers nor grooms nor folk without arms.'

Conúargaib in mac bec a gnúis ó thalmain & tuc a láim dar a gnúis & doringni rothmol corcarda del o mulluch co talmain. Isam ingníma omm, ar in mac bec. Docho lim na rada duit, ni dat ingníma. The mystery of sweet potats mac os. Bid docho duit, acht condrísem forsind áth, acht eirgsiu ar cend t'arm, daig atchiu is midlachda tanac, ar ní gonaim aradu no echlacha no aes cen armu.

The man went apace after his arms. 'Now thou shouldst have a care for us against yonder man that comes to meet thee, little lad,' said Ibar. 'And why so?' asked the lad. 'Foill son of Necht is the man thou seest. Neither points nor edges of weapons can harm him.' 'Not before me shouldst thou say that, O Ibar,' quoth the lad. 'I will put my hand to the lath-trick for him, namely, to the apple of twice-melted iron, and it will light upon the disc of his shield and on the flat of his forehead, and it will carry away the size of an apple of his brain out through the back of his head, so that it will make a sieve-hole outside of his head, till the light of the sky will be visible through his head.'

Bidcais in fer sain ar cend a airm. Cóir duit arechus dúin fris sút a meic bic, ar Ibar. Ced ón ecin, ar in mac bec. Fóill mac Nechtain in fer atchí, nín gabat renna no airm no faebair itir. Ní rum-sa is chóir duit-siu sain do rád a Ibair, ar in mac bec. Dobér-sa mo láim fon deil cliss dó, .i. fon n-ubull n-athlegtha n-íarnaide, & tecema illaind a scéith & illaind a étain & béraid comthrom inn ubaill da inchind tria chuladaig co n-dingne retherderg de fria chend anechtair, co m-bat léiri lesbaire aeóir triana chend.

'Foill son of Necht came forth. Cuchulain took the lath-trick in hand for him and threw it from him the length of his cast, so that it lighted on the flat of his shield and on the front of his forehead and carried away the bulk of an apple of his brain out through the back of his head, so that it made a sieve-hole thereof outside of his head, till the light of the sky might be seen through his head. He went to him then and struck off the head from the trunk. Thereafter he bore away his spoils and his head with him.

Free the dark knight. Tánic immach Foill mac Nechtain. Tuc-som a láim fon deil cliss dó & focheird rout n-urchair úad, co tarla illaind a scéith & illaind a étain & berid comthrom inn ubaill da inchind tria chuladaig co n-derna rechderg de fria chend anechtair, co m-ba léir lésbaire aeóir triana chend. Ocus tópacht som a chend dia mede.

'Then came the second son out on the green, his name Tuachall ('the Cunning') son of Necht. 'Aha, I see thou wouldst boast of this deed,' quoth Tuachall. 'In the first place I deem it no cause to boast for slaying one champion,' said Cuchulain; 'thou shalt not boast of it this time, for thou shalt fall by my hand.' 'Off with thee for thine arms, then, for 'tis not as a warrior thou art come.' The man rushed after his arms. 'Thou shouldst have a care for us against yon man, lad,' said Ibar. 'How so?' the lad asked. 'Tuachall son of Necht is the man thou beholdest. And he is nowise misnamed, for he falls not by arms at all. Unless thou worstest him with the first blow or with the first shot or with the first touch, thou wilt not worst him ever, because of his craftiness and the skill wherewith he plays round the points of the weapons.'

Tánic in mac tanaise immach ar in faidchi, Tuachall mac Nechtain. Aile atchiu commaidfide lat sain, ar Tuachall. Ni máidim limm chetus oenláech dommarbad. Ni maidfesu ón a fecht sa, dáig dofáithaisiu limm-sa. Tó duit-siu ar cend t'arm, dáig is midlachda tánac. Bidgais in fer sain ar cend a arm. Cóir duit arechus dúin risiút a meic bic, bar Ibar. Cid són, ar in mac bec. Tuachail mac Nechtain in fer atchí. Meni arrais din chétbulli no din chéturchur no din chéttadall, ní arrais etir chaidche (ar) a amansi & a airgigi non imrend im rennaib na n-arm.

'That should not be said before me, O Ibar,' cried the lad. 'I will put my hand on Conchobar's well-tempered lance, on the Craisech Neme ('the Venomous Lance'). It will light on the shield over his belly, and it will crush through his ribs on the farther side after piercing his heart in his breast. That would be the smiting cast of an enemy and not the friendliness of a fellow countryman! From me he shall not get sick-nursing or care till the brink of doom.'

Ni rim-sa is rátti sin a Ibair, ar in mac bec. Dober-sa mo láim fón manáis murnig Conchobair, fon crúisig neme, tecema sin sciath os a broind & brúifet tria asna a thaéib bas siriu uaím ar tregdad a chridi na chliab. Bud aurchur deoraid sin & ni ba hicht urraid. Ni ba teg legis no othrais uaím-se dó co bruinne m-bratha.

'Tuachall son of Necht came forth on the green, and the lad laid his hand on Conchobar's lance against him, and it struck the shield above his belly and broke through the ribs on the farther side after piercing his heart within his breast. He struck off his head or ever it reached the ground.

Tanic Tuachall mac Nechtain immach ar in faidchi, & focheird in mac bec a láim fón manáis Conchobair dó, & dorecgmaing sin scíath os a broind & bruis sin asna ina tháib aile ba siriu úad ar tregdad a chridi na chliab. Benaid-sium a chend, ria siu sessed dochum talman.

'Then came the youngest of the sons forth on the green, namely, Fandall son of Necht. 'Fools were the folk who fought with thee here,' cried Fandall. 'How, now!' cried the lad. 'Come down to the pool, where thy foot findeth not bottom.' Fandall rushed on to the pool. 'Thou shouldst be wary for us of him, little boy,' said Ibar. 'Why should I then?' asked the lad. 'Fandall son of Necht is the man whom thou seest. For this he bears the name Fandall ('the Swallow'): like a swallow or weasel he courseth the sea; the swimmers of the world cannot reach him.'

And-sin tanic immach sósar na clainde forsin faidchi .i. Faindle mac Nechtain. Is baeth in lucht condránic frit and-sin, ar Fandle. Cid ón, ar in mac bec. Tair sechut sís ar in lind bail ná ró do choss lár. Bidgais Fandle reme for in lind. Coír duit arechus dúin risiút a meic bic, bar Ibar. Cid ón écin, ar in mac bec. Fandle mac Nechtain in fer atchí. Is de diatá in t-ainm fair mar fandaill no mar íaraind imtheít muir. Ni chumgat snámaigi in talman ní dó. How to shoot a criminal mac os.

'Thou shouldst not speak thus before me, O Ibar,' said the lad. 'Thou knowest the river that is in our land, in Emain, the Callann. When the boys frequent it with their games of sport and when the water is not beneath them, if the surface is not reached by them all, I do carry a boy over it on either of my palms and a boy on either of my shoulders, and I myself do not even wet my ankles under the weight of them.'

After day mac os. Ní rim-sa is chóir sin do rád a Ibair, ar in mac bec. Saichnid duit-siu ind aband fil ocuind i n-Emain, Kalland. Tráth nos immet in maccrad do chlessaib cluchi furri, & úair nach fóisam in lind, berim-se maccaém cechtar mo da dernand tarsi and-sin & maccaém cechtar mo da gúaland, & ni fliuchaim fadesin gid mo adbrunnu fóthu.

'They met upon the water and they engaged in wrestling upon it, and the little boy closed his arms over Fandall, so that the sea came up even with him, and he gave him a deft blow with Conchobar's sword and chopped off his head from the trunk, and left the body to go down with the stream, and he carried off the head and the spoils with him.

Condránic dóib for ind lind, & furmid in mac bec a rigthi tharis, co tarla in muir aird fri aird fris, & dobretha tathulbéim do chlaidiub Conchobair dó, & tópacht a chend dá médiu & leicis in colaind lasin sruth & dobretha a cend leis.

'Thereupon Cuchulain went into the dûn and pillaged the place and burned it so that its buildings were no higher than its walls. And they turned on the way to Sliab Fuait and carried the three heads of Necht's sons with them.

Lotar isin dún far tain & ra airg(set) in cathraig & ra loiscset connarbdar airdiu a déntai andat a immélaig. Ocus imsóiset rempu i Sliab Fúait & dobrethsat tri cind Mae Nechtain leo.

'When they came to Sliab Fuait they espied a herd of wild deer before them. 'What are those many cattle, O Ibar, those nimble ones yonder?' asked the lad; 'are they tame or are they other deer?' 'They are real wild deer, indeed,' Ibar answered; 'herds of wild deer that haunt the wastes of Sliab Fuait.' 'Ply the goad for us on the horses into the bog, to see can we take some of them.' The charioteer drove a goad into the horses. It was beyond the power of the king's overfat steeds to keep up with the deer. The lad got down from the chariot and as the fruit of his run and his race, in the morass which was around him, he caught two of the swift, stout deer. He fastened them to the back poles and the bows and the thongs of the chariot.

Con faccatar in n-alma do aigib alta rempu. Cochit na inili imda imdaiscaire a Ibair, ar in mac bec, pettai sút no inn aigi chena. Aige chena omm, bar Ibar. Almai d'aigib alta sain bít i n-diamraib Sleibi Fúait. Saig brot dún forsin n-echraid, dús ar connársimmís ní díb. Saigis in t-ara brot for in n-echraid. Ni chaemnactar eich roremra ind ríg in damrad do chomaitecht. Luid in mac bec assin charput & gebis da n-ag lúatha látiri díb. Cenhglais d'fertsib & d'ithisib & d'iallaib in charpait.

'They continued their way to the mound-seat of Emain, where they saw flocks of white swans flying by them. 'What are those birds there, O Ibar?' the lad asked; 'are yonder birds tame or are they other birds?' 'Indeed, they are real wild birds,' Ibar answered; 'flocks of swans are they that come from the rocks and crags and islands of the great sea without, to feed on the plains and smooth spots of Erin.' 'Which would be stranger to the Ulstermen, O Ibar, for them to be fetched alive to Emain or dead?' asked the lad.' Stranger far, alive,' Ibar answered 'for not every one succeeds in taking the birds alive, while they are many that take them dead.' Then did the lad perform one of his lesser feats upon them: he put a small stone in his sling, so that he brought down eight of the birds; and then he performed a greater feat: he threw a large stone at them and he brought down sixteen of their number. With his return stroke all that was done. He fastened them to the hind poles and the bows and the thongs and the ropes and the traces of the chariot.

Lotar rempu co forodmag na hEmna, con mafaccatar in n-elta do gésib gela seccu. Cóichi and na eóin sin a Ibair, ar in mac bec. Indat pettai sút no indat éoin chena. Eoin chena omm, bar Ibar, elta do gésib sin tecait di chlochaib & carrgib & ailénaib in mara móir immuich, do geilt for maigib & rédib hErend. Cia bad irdarcu, a m-béo sút do rochtain Emna no ammarb a Ibair, ar in mac bec. Airdarcu a m-béo omm, bar Ibar, dáig ni cách conairg na eoin beoa do gabail. And-sain dobretha in mac ceird m-bic forru, fostaid ocht n-eono díb, & dobretha ceird máir iar sain, & fastaid sé eóin déc díb. Cenglais do fertsib & d'fithisib & iallaib & d'folomnaib & tetaib in carpait.

'Take the birds along with thee, O Ibar,' cried the lad to his charioteer. 'I am in sore straits,' answered Ibar; 'I find it not easy to go.' 'What may it be?' asked the lad. 'Great cause have I. The horses have become wild, so that I cannot go by them. If I stir at all from where I am, the chariot's iron wheels will cut me down because of their sharpness and because of the strength and the power and the might of the career of the horses. If I make any move, the horns of the deer will pierce and gore me.

Tuc lat na eonu a Ibair, ar in mac bec. Túsa i n-dulig, ar Ibar. Cid són écin, ar in mac bec. Fai a mórabba dam. Dianom gluasiur itir assin magin itú, nom thescfat roith iarnaide in charpait (re) feramla & fertsigi & fortressi ceimmi inna hechraide. Danam luur itir dana, nom thollfat & nom thregtaifet benna na n-aigi.

'Ah, no true champion art thou any longer, O Ibar,' said the lad; 'because of the look I shall give at the horses they will not depart from the straight way; at the look I shall give at the deer they will bend their heads in fear and awe of me; they will not dare move, and it will be safe for thee e'en though thou goest in front of their horns.'

Aile nit fírlaec(h)-su béus a Ibair [iarutn], dáig in fégad fégfat-sa for na echaib, ni ragat assa certimthecht. In tincud tincfat forsna haigib, cromfait a cinnu ar m'ecla & ar m'uamain, & fó duit-siu gid die m-bendaib no chingthé.

'Thereupon they went on till they reached the fair plain of Emain. It was then Lebarcham, the watch in Emain Macha, came forth and discerned them, she, the daughter of Aue ('Ear') and of Adarc ('Horn.') 'A single chariot-fighter is here, coming towards Emain Macha,' cried Lebarcham, 'and his coming is fearful. The heads of his foes all red in his chariot with him. Beautiful, all-white birds he has hovering around in the chariot. With him are wild, untamed deer, bound and fettered, shackled and pinioned. And I give my word, if he be not attended to this night, brood will flow over Conchobar's province by him and the youths of Ulster will fall by his hand.' 'We know him, that chariot-fighter,' spake Conchobar; 'belike it is the little gilla, my sister's son, who went to the edge of the marches at the beginning of the day, who has reddened his hands and is still unsated of combat, and unless he be attended to, all the youths of Emain will fall by his hand.'

Lotar rempo, co rancatar Emain. Is and-sin rathaigis in Leborcham íat, ingen saide Ái & Adairce. Oencharptech sund, for Leborcham, & is uathmar thic. Cind a bidbad fordergga sin charput aice. Eóin áille oengela ic imuarad aice sin charput. Aige altamla anríata i cengul & chrapull & chuibrech & charcair aice, & meni frithalter innocht é, dos-fáithsat óic Ulad leis. Ro-da-fetammar in carptech sin, ar Conchobar, in gilla bec mac mo sethar dochoid co hor cocríche, ro derg a láma & ni dóithanach comraic, & meni frithalter dana dofáithsat óic Emna uili leis.

'And this was the counsel they agreed to follow: to let out the womenfolk to meet the youth, namely, thrice fifty women, even ten and seven-score bold, stark-naked women, at one and the same time, and their chieftainess, Scannlach ('the Wanton') before them, to discover their persons and their shame to him.' Thereupon the young women all arose and marched out, and they discovered their nakedness and all their shame to him. The lad hid his face from them and turned his gaze on the chariot, that he might not see the nakedness or the shame of the women.

Ocus ba sed in chomairle ra cruthaiged leo: in bantrocht da lecud immaeh do saigid in meic, .i. tri coicait ban .i. deich mnaa & secht fichit díscir derglomnocht i n-oenfecht uili, & a m-bantoesech rempo, Scandlach, do thócbai annochta & annáre dó. Tancatar immach in banmaccrad uile, & tuargbatar annochta & annáre uile dó. Foilgid in mac a gnúis forru & dobretha a dreich frisin carpat, ar na acced nochta no náre na m-ban.

Then the lad was lifted out of the chariot. He was placed in three vats of cold water to extinguish his wrath; and the first vat into which he was put burst its staves and its hoops like the cracking of nuts around him. The next vat into which he went boiled with bubbles as big as fists therefrom. The third vat into which he went, some men might endure it and others might not. Then the boy's wrath went down. 'Thereupon he came out, and his festive garments were put on him.

And-sain ro irgabad in mac bec isin charput. Tucad i trí dabchaib uaruscib é do díbdúd a ferge, & in chetna dabach i tucad in mac bec ro díscáil da cláraib & da circlaib amal chnómaidm imbi. In dabach tanaise con figfed durnu di. In tres dabach fer fos-foilnged & fer ní foilnged etir. And-sain fergga in meic for cúlu, & conácbad a thimthach immi.

His comeliness appeared on him and he made a crimson wheel-ball of himself from his crown to the ground. Seven toes he had to each of his two feet, and seven fingers to each of his two hands, and seven pupils to each of his two kingly eyes, and seven gems of the brilliance of the eye was each separate pupil. Four spots of down on either of his two cheeks: a blue spot, a purple spot, a green spot, a yellow spot. Fifty strands of bright-yellow hair from one ear to the other, like to a comb of birch twigs or like to a brooch of pale gold in the face of the sun. A clear, white, shorn spot was upon him, as if a cow had licked it. A fair, laced green mantle about him; a silver pin therein over his white breast. A hooded tunic of thread of gold about him. And the lad was seated between the two feet of Conchobar, and that was his couch ever after, and the king began to stroke his close-shorn hair.

Tancatar a delba dó ocus doringni rothmól corcra de ó mulluch co talmain. Secht meóir cechtar a dá choss & secht meóir cechtar a dá lám, & secht meic imlessan cechtar a dá rigrosc iarum, & secht n-gemma de ruthin ruisc foleith cech mac imlesan díb. Cethri tibri díb cechtar a dá grúad: tibri gorm tibri corcra tibri úane tibri buide. Cóica urla fegbuide ón chluaís go cheile dó, amal chir m-bethi no amal brethnasa bánóir fri taul n-grene. Maél gle find fair mar bo atas-lilad. Brat uanide imme, delg n-argait indi. Léni orsnáith immi. Ocus ra sudiged in mac etir da choiss Conchobair. Ocus ro gab in rí ic sliachtad a máile.

'A mere lad accomplished these deeds at the end of seven years after his birth,' continued Fiachu son of Fiarba; 'for he overcame heroes and battle-champions at whose hands two-thirds of the men of Ulster had fallen, and these had not got the revenge on them until that scion rose up for them. No need then is there of wonder or of surprise, though he came to the border, though he slew one man or two men or three men or four men when now are fulfilled his seventeen years at the time of the Táin Bó Cúalnge.'

Mac bec doringni na gníma sin i cind a secht m-bliadan arna breith, bar ro scart na curaid & na cathmilid, ris torcratar da trian fer n-Ulad, & na fuaratar a dígail forro na con érracht in gein sin chucu, no corb eicen machtad no ingantus de, giano thised co hor críche, gana marbad fer no dís no triur no chethrur, in aim i n-at slana secht m-bliadna déc for Tain bó Cualnge.

Albeit gladness, joy and happiness was the part of the men of Ulster for that, sorrow, grief and unhappiness was the part of the men of Erin, for they knew that the little lad that had done those deeds in the time of his boyhood, it would be no wonder if he should do great deeds of valour in the time of his manhood.

These, accordingly, are some of the youthful exploits of Cuchulain on the Raid for the Kine of Cualnge, and the Prologue of the Tale, and the Names of the Roads and the March of the Host up to this Point.

Conid innisin do macgnímaib Conculaind sin for Tain bo Cualnge ocus remthús in sceóil & na sliged & imthechta in t-slúaig connici sin.

The Story proper is this which follows now.

In scel fodessin isní and fodechtsa.

Thou Shalt Not Mac Os 11

In order to do this, you have to fire up a bit of terminal. If you are not familiar with the underlines of UNIX, you should document yourself more before proceeding.

So, I have a partition which I do not want to be automatically mounted on reboot because it is used by one virtualbox machine.
1. List the partitions with diskutil command:
mini:~ osx$ diskutil list

2. Once you find the target partition, do again diskutil on it but with info option:

Thou Shalt Not Mac Os Catalina

3. Get the Volume UUID and add it to /etc/fstab but do not edit it directly. Use instead the command sudo vifs and add the following line to it:
UUID=00000000-1B11-3GSG-B5E1-E00440844CD5 none hfs rw,noauto

Thou Shalt Not Mac Os 13


broken image